Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jokes given to me by Kaitlynn Bagwell

Mom:What did you do at school today?
Ethan: We did a guessing game.
Mom: I thought you were having a math exam?
Ethan: Thats right....

Prisilla: What sits at the bottom of the ocean and shakes?
Rufus: You've got me.
Prisilla: A nervous reck.

Prisilla: What do you get if you cross a cocker-spaniel, a poodle and a rooster?
Rufus: It's unknown to me.
Prisilla: A Cockapoodledoo

Teacher: I've had to punish you every day this week. What have you got to say?
Student: Boy, am I glad it's Friday.

Teacher: Why are you crawling into class?
Student: Because the class has already started and you said " Don't anyone dare walk into my class late."

Q. I have six eyes, two mouths, and three ears, what am I?
A. Ugly.

Jacob: Did you here about the man who got arressted for stealing a pig?
Lacey: How did they catch him?
Jacob: The pig squealed.

Codey: I'm aching from arthritis.
Kara: How do you do? I'm Kara from Hume, Lake California

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)